Horizon Europe

Cluster Health

A healthy population is vital for a stable, sustainable and inclusive society. Economic growth is only possible on the basis of a healthy population. Many challenges are currently faced in the area of the health of the European population due, among other factors, to the demographic challenge caused by an ageing population, combined with an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases, with a consequent increase in expenditure on health systems.

Given the enormous relevance that health has for European development, the health area has a dedicated Cluster in Pillar 2 – Health Cluster.

The Health Cluster is based on several challenges:

  • the lack of effective health promotion and disease prevention;

  • the increase in non-communicable diseases;

  • the spread of resistance to antimicrobial agents and the emergence of infectious epidemics;

  • the growing environmental pollution;

  • the persistence of health inequalities between and within countries, disproportionately affecting people who are disadvantaged or at vulnerable stages of their lives;

  • detecting, understanding, controlling, preventing, and reducing health risks in a rapidly changing social, urban, and natural environment;

  • the rising costs of European health systems and the progressive introduction of personalized medicine approaches and digitalization in the health and care sector;

  • the increasing pressure on the health and care industry to remain competitive in terms of health innovation against new and emerging global players.

Major intervention areas of the Health Cluster:

Lifelong Health 

Social and Environmental
Determinants of Health

Non Communicable Diseases
and Rare Diseases

Infectious disease

Digital tools, technologies
and solutions in Health

Health Care Systems

Thus, the Work Programmes of the Health Cluster for the period 2021-2024 will be directed towards activities that allow six Expected Impacts to be achieved (referred to as Destinations), which will contribute to filling the various gaps that currently exist in the identified areas of intervention.

Strategic plan

(2021 – 2024)

Work Programmes
Expected Impact 1
Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society
Expected Impact 2
Living and
working in a health-promoting enviromment
Expected Impact 3
Tackling disease
and reducing
disease burden
Expected Impact 4
Ensuring access
to innovative,
and high-quality
health care
Expected Impact 5
Unlocking the full potencial of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society
Expected Impact 6
an innovative,
sustainable and globally competitive health-related industry
For each destination topics have been defined that will competitively fund collaborative projects. For more information on these topics contact the Health NCPs and visit the CE portal.